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Integrate people, processes and policies 


  • Promote operational efficiency
  • Reduce costs
  • Improve service
  • Foster collaboration between departments, agencies and the public
  • Avoid unnecessary security risks and duplication of information
  • Deliver best in class customer experience 
  • Enable compliance with strict privacy regulations
Security, reliability, scalability & efficiency


Achieve high levels of security, reliability, scalability & efficiency.



Replace traditional paper with digital documents that are easily searched, accessed, managed and processed.


Our solutions help government organisations achieve the highest levels of security, reliability, scalability and efficiency by automating document-driven business processes and eliminating manual labour.


Specific Needs



  • Many different types of documents to collect and manage, including correspondence, contracts, surveys, census forms, voting ballots, pension cards, tax declarations, social applications etc.

  • High volumes of documents

  • Strict compliance

  • Peak periods require the processing of large numbers of documents within a short amount of time

  • Quick response times

  • Tight security



Specific Needs
Our Solutions

Our Solutions



Automatic Claims Classification

Natural language technologies brought to analyze unstructured data such as claims to eliminate manual labor, remove processing errors, ensure quick routing to people in charge, and increase government work transparency.



Conversion of Scanned Paper, Images, PDFs to Editable Documents

Original paper or image documents can quickly and accurately be converted to editable formats.



High-Volume Searchable Archives Creation

CSG offers a powerful server-based solution for centralized conversion of high volumes of original paper or image documents into searchable archives and repositories.



High-Volume Document, Form and Invoice Processing

CSG automates and accelerates the processing of high volumes of various document types – classifying them, extracting valuable indexes and exporting them as searchable files into business applications or archives.





  • Eliminates labor-intensive manual key entry

  • Accelerates business processes

  • Delivers more accurate and timely results

  • Reduces costs

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